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An update from Rachel

Rachel O'Connor

9 Feb 2024

Hello, a quick update from me and our amazing team at Force 4 Good Consultancy as we hit month two of the New Year.

Our ambition is to work with a handful of businesses and brands that we really believe in and who value our advice and service. On this note we are pleased to have forged a couple of new and exciting partnerships as well as having retained others from the old agency. I’m particularly proud to say that in the entire process of closing Siren Comms we provided solutions for all our clients to maintain on-going service, and no one lost employment. This integrity continues to sit at the heart of how we will work into the future.

The Force 4 Good Consultancy includes Dimitra Paputsakis who works part time out of Zurich and a wonderful experienced new recruit, Phoebe Rees-Sutton, who joined us in December as PR & Content Exec. We are also lucky to have flexible freelance support in Ally Warren and from others as we require around client needs and project planning.

On the business advisory, finance and set up, we are supported by Andrew Waller as Chair and at board level by Paula Jenkinson. We are also fortunate to have longstanding business friends around us, allowing us to extend our client advisory and work into places which are usually unreachable for clients of small agencies. We continue to deepen our working understanding of AI to benefit clients with safe, efficient, and effective content creation. And we are regularly meeting with influencers, media and emerging potential partners that can add commercial success to our clients’ business.

So, whilst the economy and world events remain volatile and challenging, we are very much up and running! We continue to pack a punch for our clients, and of course we are open to the right project, advisory and retained work from businesses that match our values and ambitions.

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